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Vestnik BIST No. 5 (21) November 2013

C O N T E N T 

Ayupov M.A. Modernization and language identity

Bagayeva A.V. Regional integration in the context of the problems of national and federal relations

Boltenkova L.F. To the question of the concept «russianness»

Vlasov V.I. On the russian dimension of political culture

Gaiduk V.V. National safety shouldn’t have any ethnic shade

Gumerov S.B. Modernization policy of the Federative Russia: trajectories, branches, deadlocks

Demyanenko Y.A. Territorial map of subject structure of the Federative Russia:
possible transformations

Drobizheva L.M. On the russia’s strategy of the state national policy

Yefremova I.V. Federative aspects of policy of the state in the labor sphere at the present stage

Zorin V.Y. Russia’s strategy of the state national policy: traditionalism and new approaches to the strengthening of unity of the russia’s multiethnic people (russian nation)

Kalinina K.V. Time defines the nature of the ethnic question

Landa K.G. The Caspian sea and geopolitical interests of the USA  in the region

Mardanov M.K. Migratory policy in the Russian Federation: regional multiculturalism

Matveyeva L.D., Khairetdinova N.E. To the question of the status of Ufa theater during the inner­party power struggle (the end of 1922–1928)

Medvedev N.P. Today problems on the way to reaching political stability:
scientific approaches and political practice

Mikhaylov V.A. Russia’ strategy of the state national policy: theory and practice

Nigmatullina T.A.Sociocultural federalism in the sphere of youth policy: present challenges

Ryabova E.L. Folklore as the most important factor of national and cultural construction

Suleymanov A.R. National idea as an attribute of statehood: political myth or reality

Suleymanova Sh.S. Problems of ethnic adaptation in modern Russia

Ternovaya L.O. The impact of national and federal relations for the development of state symbols

Fonaryov M.A. Revolutionary transformations of the former soviet union: «colours» and «velvet»

Khoroshavtseva O.P. Specifics of functioning of mass media and its role in the cross-­cultural dialogue at the regional level (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan)

Shmidt W.V., Dannenberg A.N. Religious and ethnocultural traditions of Eurasia: east and west at the beginning of the 21st century

Yusupov M.K. Migration processes in Federative Russia: regional transit

Yanuskina V.V. Youth education is a public task

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